Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Online Blackjack Snarly - Casino Op Art that is awesome

op art of snarly the cat for online blackjack site
Everyone knows that petting a cat and hearing its purr will help you avoid distractions and increase your concentration. And these things can come in handy when trying to keep calm while playing online casino games. It is especially useful when playing games that require great concentration such as online blackjack. But what many people do not even realize is that there are right ways and wrong ways to pet a cat. Pet the kitty in the wrong way and rather than hearing a contented purr, you will get your hand scratched to pieces. The key is to move your hands from an area behind the cat’s neck along its back. Do not even touch the tail. Apply firm but light pressure. Gently stroke the fur in slow steady passes. It should take around 10 seconds to complete one single stroke. As soon as you finish, return the hand to the area where you started and begin stroke number two. Try not to have a long gap between strokes and resist the temptation to scratch the cat behind the ears. Not all of them like this and it could walk away. Just continue with slow, steady strokes that keep the cat’s breathing in consistent patterns. Not only will these keep you calm, but it will also keep the cat calm too. If you are doing it right, the cat will not even leave if a mouse runs nearby. The cat will be getting so much enjoyment from your strokes, he will not want to leave.

online blackjack op art of cat on top of the world

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