Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cat plays game on ipad

cat plays ipad casino games
It is easy to see why the game of blackjack as well as online blackjack is said to be the most played casino game in the world. Blackjack, also sometimes known as the game of 21 is a game that perfectly encompasses the elements of skill and luck in order to complete a winning hand as close to 21 points as possible. There are a number of different versions of online blackjack at the online casino, however, all of them follow the same general rules. As well as a variety of different variations in the game, there are also a number of different strategies adopted by players to help them achieve a successful blackjack hand. Whichever version of blackjack the player chooses to play, and whichever strategy he wishes to adopt, one of the most important tips that players need to take to heart is to make sure that they are playing when they are calm and to make sure they do not get too stressed or nervous whilst they are planning their strategy. A great way to combat stress whilst playing casino games is to play with a pet cat nestled on your lap. The presence of the warm cat and the purr that the cat emits when receiving a gentle stroke, is enough to keep the player calm and relaxed so that he can really focus on his game.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Plank Walking Cat Op Art

op art of cat walking on plank on hot summer dayOne does not immediately associate relaxation with playing online casino games but the fact of the matter is that online casino games are a leisure activity and since there is no real exertion needed in playing the games, they are in fact very relaxing. Players that are playing the casino games for real money may not feel so relaxed because they have money at stake but the right attitude to the game can bring about a much better feeling for the player. There are a number of other ways to reduce any stress that playing online casino games may induce and one popular option is to have a cat close by or on the players lap. Cats are calming creatures that ooze unconditional love and warmth together with keeping the blood pressure down of anyone who pets and strokes them. The gentle action of petting a cat is very calming and when a certain rhythm is kept up the player will also feel calmer and more able to approach the casino games with the right attitude. There are no guarantees of wins when playing online casino games but being calm and relaxed while playing the games is a definite bonus and one that may help the players achieve better results if playing real money versions.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fun Prance Cat

prancing cat op art for online slots use
When you were a kid, you loved going to the amusement parks and enjoying all of the fast rides. You would love that rush of excitement that you felt as the ride would go up the mountain, and then would come zooming back down. It was exhilarating and great. Today, you don’t have to spend a fortune to get into the amusement park and you don’t have to set aside an entire day to have that rush of excitement. You can get it in five seconds with online slots games. You simply turn on your computer, get ready for some great slots games and feel the same rush of anticipation as you start to play the games. Your heart rate will go up as you start to play and then it will go back down when you finish the round. To stabilize your game playing a bit, enjoy your cat on your lap as well. Research has shown that a cat tends to be very soothing and that it allows you to regulate your heart beat and to make better decisions. So, you can enjoy that rush that comes with the games while also enjoying the relaxation that comes with your cat purring on your lap. It’s a perfect combination.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blackcat Blackjack Meow

op art of a cat looking at ice cream cone.
After a hard day in the ER taking care of patients, the last thing that you want to do is come home and try to find entertainment. You just want to take off your coat, relax on the sofa with a beer, and enjoy the fun offered by online blackjack. Your cat who hasn’t seen you all day will come over for a meow and to say hi and you can just curl up and have a great time playing online blackjack games. Your online casino site that you love is always available and you can play these games during the day or night. And certainly, as a doctor in the ER with strange hours, it’s definitely nice to know that there is a way to enjoy entertainment during any hour of the day. Your cat is always ready to curl up with you and to make the experience more fun and comfortable and you’re always ready to have a great time and to relieve the stress that you feel from working in the ER all day. It’s a win-win situation and one that you love enjoying after a grueling day at work.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Hallucination Cat Op Art

online roulette cat op art
What can you do with a pet cat? Certainly not the same things that you can do with a dog. A cat will not play fetch, catch a frisbee, or have fun at the beach. A cat will not bark if someone breaks into your house and is not there to greet friends who come to visit. All these things are better done by a dog, I think everyone would agree. But there is one thing that a cat can do much better than a dog. A cat will help you relax in ways that would never occur to a dog. Just petting a cat’s warm fur does wonders for the soul and make a person feel calm and collected. No matter what is going on around a person, the cat will help you stay in charge. This can come in handy when playing online casino games like online roulette. As the wheel spins around, you don’t have to panic while you are petting the cat. That petting makes you feel that everything will be all right. Just put the cat in your lap while playing. Don’t even think of doing this with a dog. It just won’t help you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Online Blackjack Snarly - Casino Op Art that is awesome

op art of snarly the cat for online blackjack site
Everyone knows that petting a cat and hearing its purr will help you avoid distractions and increase your concentration. And these things can come in handy when trying to keep calm while playing online casino games. It is especially useful when playing games that require great concentration such as online blackjack. But what many people do not even realize is that there are right ways and wrong ways to pet a cat. Pet the kitty in the wrong way and rather than hearing a contented purr, you will get your hand scratched to pieces. The key is to move your hands from an area behind the cat’s neck along its back. Do not even touch the tail. Apply firm but light pressure. Gently stroke the fur in slow steady passes. It should take around 10 seconds to complete one single stroke. As soon as you finish, return the hand to the area where you started and begin stroke number two. Try not to have a long gap between strokes and resist the temptation to scratch the cat behind the ears. Not all of them like this and it could walk away. Just continue with slow, steady strokes that keep the cat’s breathing in consistent patterns. Not only will these keep you calm, but it will also keep the cat calm too. If you are doing it right, the cat will not even leave if a mouse runs nearby. The cat will be getting so much enjoyment from your strokes, he will not want to leave.

online blackjack op art of cat on top of the world